Saturday, 1 May 2021

Covid-19 PCR Home Test Kit

A couple of weeks ago, the kids caught another cold and then it was my turn. Here in Sweden, the clinics don't recommend testing kids under 6 years old. The last time kids got sick, I called the clinic and they said if they weren't directly exposed to someone with Covid, it's not necessary to test them. But for myself, I was not only curious but I wanted to be safe. With the increase in infections in Sweden, it was important that I test whether or not I was positive for Covid. Thankfully and to my relief, my results were Negative.

I think it varies by city in Sweden, but in Gothenburg one can order the Covid PCR Home Test from an app called Kry that you download on your mobile device. 

The test arrives in about 1-2 days depending on the time you ordered it during the day. They leave it at your door and a couple hours later they pick it up. You are instructed to keep it in the fridge until just before they are due to pick up the test.

I found some English instructions on the Kry website which made it easier to follow. It's pretty straightforward. 

When you use a home test kit for Covid, you need to swab your throat and nose. 

The test took only about 10 minutes so it's pretty quick and painless.
The results come back in 48 hours and you are updated on the Kry app.

Learn more on the Kry website. And you can also call 1177 and for some help or advice.

Stay home if you're feeling sick, get tested and remember, don't forget your snacks!

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