Friday, 7 April 2023

Swedish Easter Traditions

Easter feather decorations in Sweden

Easter and the long weekend is fast approaching. Buying food and decorations for the Easter celebration is on many people's checklist.

In Sweden, there are colorful feather decorations to put in front of your door or in a vase, paper eggs to fill with candy, and even Påskmust or a fizzy Easter soda (similar to Julmust but rebranded). It tastes a but like Cherry Coke if you've ever tried that.


Easter paper eggs
Paper eggs to fill with candy! 

It's also a tradition for kids to dress up as witches and go door to door to ask for treats (like Halloween)!

There are many places to go for Easter candy and chocolates, or Easter cakes and bread. Other traditional foods are herring, sausages (princekorv), meatballs, potatoes, ham, lamb, and hard boiled eggs topped with Swedish Kaviar.

Easter candy at Lidl

Lidl is a popular store to get food and candy.

Easter treats

Vivels Cafe in Stockholm 

Cafes around the city are well stocked with Easter desserts like cakes and other Easter themed treats. 

Magnus Johansson Bakery
Magnus Johansson Bageri & Konditori always has holiday themed cakes and delicious pastries! 

Making decorations is a great activity for the kids too! Coloring eggs and making paper cards are popular. Easter egg hunts are something we look forward to!

Easter crafts

In Sweden, we get a 4-day long weekend, and many elementary students also get the week after Easter off for "Easter Break". Many of the museums like the outdoor museum, Skansen, offer Easter themed activities for the kids. 

Whatever you plan for the holiday, hope you find everything you need for your Easter celebration ! Happy Easter 🐣 or Glad Påsk (in Swedish)

Don't forget your snacks!

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