Thursday 14 March 2024

A Visit to Paris with Kids

Paris France

We previously visited Paris before we had kids. It was on our list to visit again but we weren't sure whether kids would enjoy it (or whether us parents would enjoy it!!)

Once decided to re-visit and booked our trip, we didn't plan any specific activities before going. We have learned that with young kids we prefer to travel slowly. Just explore and remember to take lots of breaks, which was easy to do in a city like Paris.

Paris with kids

We found playgrounds where we walked, even some swings and wall climbing area along one part of the Seine river.

Seine river climbing area

We really liked this playground at Square Trousseau.

Square Trousseau

Really nice playground and park at Trousseau Square.

Dessert and snacks were always available at all the cafes in the city but we also brought a few snacks with us.

Bread and Roses Cafe

We stopped in at Bread & Roses for some much needed snacks, coffee and even a delicious mushroom quiche!

The kids enjoyed running around at different gardens and the entrance area of the Lourve.

Paris with kids

Paris with kids

The weather during our trip was pretty good but we did get a couple of rainy days. We all prefer being indoors when it's rainy.

Paris with kids

We spent the morning at a relaxing brunch place called, Immersion. Kids enjoyed the waffles, juice and French toast! 

Check out my blog post on Immersion.

Immersion Paris

Then we found an interesting museum, one of the museums that are actually open on a Tuesday. It's good to note that many museums are closed on Tuesday in Paris!

Check out my blog on Musée en Herbe.

Our visit was during the Winter holidays so there were a few Christmas markets to check out as well!

The first time we visited "Marche Gourmand" it was really packed so we just walked through and got some snacks. The second time we went was much better. Fewer people meant shorter lines!

Paris with kids

There was also a nice market area and Paris 2024 Olympics set up with a Ferris Wheel and other activities for the kids.

Paris France

Something that was a bit of a challenge was taking the metro with the stroller. It's not very stroller friendly with all the stairs at all of the stations we got on and off at. The entrance to the subway with kids and a stroller was challenging. It was often crowded and the paper ticket had trouble being read. Will be interesting to see how all the Paris 2024 Olympics visitors will do with the Subway!

Paris with kids

I felt so proud of myself surviving taking kids on the subway after we visited "Arc de Triomphe".

We walked back on the "Fancy" street of Avenue des Champs-Élysées and at the end of the street took the subway! 

Paris with kids

We loved our stay in the City of Lights! The travel stroller helped a lot with long walks and exploring the city. We even visited the Eiffel Tower (stay tuned for my blog post on visiting the Eiffel Tower). Paris might seem daunting, but it is possible to enjoy a city vacation with kids!

Don't forget your snacks! 

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